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Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation (JPIC)


As the name implies, this is an apostolate that cares for the poor and the marginalized, as well as for the earth and all of creation.

In the Australian Province, this takes the form of caring for Asylum seekers and refugees, fighting against pollution, climate change and irresponsible exploitation of the land as well as seeking a more just distribution of economic prosperity, food, water, healthcare, education and resources.

"Thy Kingdom come on earth" is part of the Lord's Prayer but the Kingdom will only come if we take up the mandate that we received in baptism to continue the work begun by Jesus. If we don't feed the hungry they will not be fed; if we don't care of the broken and despised people they will not be healed, so the mission of the Church is to continue what Jesus started.

 charism alicesprings 100 In the Australia Province our JPIC activities include advocacy for the Aborigines and their pastoral care in the parishes of Alice Springs and Santa Theresa.
 charism advocacy 100 Advocacy and accommodation for Asylum Seekers and Refugees.
 charism thailand 100 Care for the victims of AIDS in Thailand
 charism pastoralcare 100 Pastoral care for new-arrivals.

The work of JPIC challenges us to move beyond our boundaries and to reach out in friendship to those who are desperately seeking our help and acceptance.